Me as a writer – daily struggles

Here I am once again with an uninhabited mind. Believe me when I say this, it is comparable to suffering from an erectile dysfunction. I am so sorry for the people out there who are suffering from such a bad thing. That is a little too deep; let me rephrase it. It is as bad as having an aching wisdom tooth. Okay, even I know, having a lack of ideas is not that bitter. Not even close. Pause; scratch that part out and reverse all the way to the second sentence. Sorry dysfunctional men, but I have to do this. I am going to stick with my first comparison since they somewhat share a correlation. For all I know, the problem could be me.

Maybe I am not putting in as much effort as I am supposed to. Or not exerting the amount of energy required to scale the writer’s block wall. That might as well be the case, because it is the only explanation I can muster. Before, my mind was like a finished coloring book. Pause! This is a little phrase I came up with, if it has not been invented, yet. If not, I am claiming all the creational points here, if that is an actual word. Wait, is creational a word? ‘Creational: of or relating to creation.’ Ha, it is, I guess I am not the only certifiable person out there. When it comes to making up phrases and words, I am no neophyte. You know what, I might as well collect all the creational points. It is my art! “My mind was like a finished coloring book.” A neologism of kerdel ellick. Now that I have marked my charming phrase. Cherrio! Gosh, I know my humor is bland as a robot’s, but that is fine. As long as you guys get me.

I guess every writer is, or “word creators.” Whatever fancy scientific name people call them. Away, we writers do create some crazy stuff at times. Am I right? Or am I sailing this boat alone here, huh? I guess I am. Every now and then I ask myself, “What am I trying to achieve by writing my life away?” This only occurs when I am seating in front of a blank page for more than five minutes, fighting with myself to write a damn sentence. The thing is, I know why I am doing it – it is because I am aiming to become an author who is going to publish at least, one book! At times, I cannot help but impugn myself at times. I know self-doubt is as deadly as doing some high end drugs. What can you do when it is in your system? Nothing! Maybe I am weak-minded; that can be the case.

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